Игла для инъекций химикатов EMT


The Chemical Injection Quill is a crucial component in the maintenance of pipelines. It forms a key part of the Chemical Injection system, a vital apparatus that ensures the proper functioning and longevity of pipeline operations.


The Chemical Injection Quill is a crucial component in the maintenance of pipelines. It forms a key part of the Chemical Injection system, a vital apparatus that ensures the proper functioning and longevity of pipeline operations. This system introduces specific chemicals into the pipeline to prevent issues such as corrosion, fouling, and the buildup of unwanted substances. The Chemical Injection Quill, specifically, ensures that these chemicals are distributed evenly and in appropriate quantities. Alongside this, the sampler serves as an important end device for both the Chemical Injection system and the piping medium sampling system. It allows operators to extract and analyze samples, facilitating continuous monitoring and control of the pipeline system’s condition. This concurrent operation of the Chemical Injection Quill and sampler ensures optimal pipeline performance and longevity, making them indispensable tools in pipeline maintenance.

химическое перо

ИмяИгла для инъекций химикатов EMT
Материал304SS, 316SS, DSS F51, DSS F53, DSS F55, Carbon Steel A105N, and also Inconel 625
Other materials can meet customer needs (Welcome to contact with us)
Рабочая Температура-20±120 ℃
ОсобенностьFirst, easy to operate
Second, high accuracy and long Life
Наконец, высокая эффективность и низкая стоимость.
ПреимуществаFirst, they are lightweight and flexible.
Second, they have excellent injection efficiency.
At last, they have accurate location tracking.

A chemical injection quill is a specialized device engineered to facilitate the precise introduction of treatment chemicals into a process stream, essentially the flow of process media. The incorporation of chemicals is a critical aspect of numerous industrial processes as it enables operators to exercise exact control over the quantity of chemicals introduced and their specific point of entry into the system.

Essentially, this device ensures the accurate dispensation of the required amount of treatment chemicals at the appropriate junctures within the process stream, optimizing their efficacy. This high degree of precision is paramount for the successful execution of many industrial processes. It allows process controllers to monitor chemical reactions closely, maintain optimal process conditions, and uphold the overall integrity and efficiency of the system. This diligent oversight is crucial in ensuring both the quality and the consistency of the end product, underscoring the quintessential role of the chemical injection quill in industrial operations.

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Chemical Injection Quill Parameters

ИChemical Injection Quill SI
ПхххТипМатериалУплотнительный материал
0Нет запроса0CS0Нет запроса
1Полый корпус заглушки1316СС3ДСС1Уплотнительное кольцо из витона / первичное уплотнение из ПТФЭ
2Твердый корпус заглушки2316LSS4ИНКОНЕЛЬ2ХНБР
– КодИнъекционная гайка
НххРазмер соединенияМатериал
0Нет запроса0CS
– КодИнъекционная трубка
Sxxx-Lx″Размер соединенияМатериалСоплоРазмер линии (х″)
0Нет запроса0CS0Нет запросаНаиболее эффективное место для инъекции обычно находится в центре трубы.
3ДСС3Cap & Core
– КодNipple and Valve(or end flange )
ТххРазмер соединенияМатериал
0Нет запроса0CS
11/4″СосокаНиппель и клапан 1/4 дюйма1316СС
21/2″ НиппельбНиппель и клапан 1/2 дюйма2316LSS
3Ниппель 3/4″сНиппель и клапан 3/4 дюйма3Д СС
41″Сосокд1 ″ Ниппель и клапан4ИНКОНЕЛЬ
51/4″Фланеце1/4″Фланец на конце ниппеля
61/2″Фланецж1/2″Фланец на конце ниппеля
73/4″ФланецгФланец на конце ниппеля 3/4 дюйма
81″Фланецчас1″Фланец на конце ниппеля
For Example: SI-P221-N12-S122-L4-T22

SI: Узел отбора проб и инъекций

P221: The Solid Plug Body is 316LSS. The primary packing material utilized is PTFE, and it features a Viton O-Ring

N12: Injection Nut Connection Size is 1/4″ and the Material of it is 316LSS

S122:Injection Tube Connection Size is 1/4″, and the Material is 316LSS. The type of nozzle is quills

L4″: Для трубы диаметром 4″.

T22:Nippleof Tee Connection Size is 1/2″, Nipple Material: 316LSS

Applications of Chemical Injection Quill

  1. Water Treatment Facilities: In this setting, chemical injection quills are employed to administer chemicals that sanitize and treat water, rendering it safe for drinking or suitable for industrial applications. The injected chemicals typically include coagulants and flocculants, which aid in the removal of suspended particulates, biocides for neutralizing harmful microorganisms, and pH adjusters for maintaining the water’s acid-base balance.
  2. Oil and Gas Operations: In the realm of oil and gas, these quills play a pivotal role in the injection of chemicals like oxygen scavengers and corrosion inhibitors. While corrosion inhibitors safeguard pipelines and equipment against corrosive elements, oxygen scavengers help eliminate oxygen, thereby reducing the likelihood of oxidative corrosion. Scale inhibitors, introduced via quills, prevent the accumulation of mineral scales, ensuring unimpeded flow and optimal operational efficiency.
  3. Chemical Processing Industries: These industries heavily rely on chemical injection quills to introduce certain chemicals into a process stream, facilitating a reaction or maintaining optimal process conditions.

Наш сервис

Наши услуги

We offer a diverse range of chemical injection quills tailored to meet a wide array of specific requirements. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us to find a solution that best fits your needs.

To exemplify the high quality of our products, we provide the option for clients to request sample units.

We pride ourselves in offering prompt customer service. Our team is readily available to provide instant feedback and address your inquiries.

We strive to provide the fastest possible delivery times, ensuring you receive your orders promptly. Our online support is available around the clock, operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Packaging & Delivery

Наша продукция упаковывается в КЕЙСЫ, которые имеют следующие преимущества:

  1. Они легкие, имеют чистые линии, обеспечивают изоляцию и обладают высокой прочностью и не подвержены деформации.
  2. Они устраняют необходимость фумигации, делая процесс доставки более эффективным.

Our commitment is to deliver top-quality chemical injection quills promptly and efficiently, prioritizing customer satisfaction at all times.

Our Transport

Air Transport

We have established partnerships with a multitude of express delivery companies. This allows us to offer you a range of options when it comes to selecting a courier service. Our primary goal here is to provide you with a service that ensures the safe and speedy delivery of your orders, while also being cost-effective. Our team is dedicated to assisting you in choosing a courier company that offers competitive shipping rates, enabling you to manage your shipping costs more efficiently.

Sea Transport

Our strategic location near Dalian Port presents another advantageous option for transportation. Shenyang’s proximity to this major seaport makes it possible for us to minimize inland transportation expenses, resulting in significant cost savings for our customers. Additionally, the short distance between Shenyang and Dalian Port ensures that your orders can be swiftly transported to the port, reducing the overall shipping time. Through this effective combination of sea transport and minimal inland transportation, we can deliver your orders in a timely and cost-efficient manner.


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